Social responsibility
Nowdays, social responsibility is present in all major companies, the bigger a company is, the more opportunities and financial resources it has to help those in need. Social responsibility can appear in several forms, it can be material or financial help, participation in voluntary work or blood donation. These are all useful and extremely important opportunities that we should take advantage of. In the life of a company, social responsibility is essential, as it is part of the corporate governance policy.
Since its establishment, AWM Holding Zrt. has placed great emphasis on social responsibility. Every year, we try to help organizations and communities in need with financial or material support.
Among others, we have supported the following foundations so far:
Management by Jesus
Johannita Segítő Szolgálat
RÉS Szociális- és Kulturális Alapítvány
Magyar Kézilabda szövetség
Kárpát-medencei Értékmentő Alapítvány
Thury Sport Nonprofit Kft.
Pannonhalmi Bencés Gimnázium Közhasznú Alapítvány
Városi Sportegyesület Dunakeszi
Duna Színház Kulturális Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.